10 Lines on Sikhism for Childrens and Students

Write 10 lines on Sikhism. Sikhism, a beautiful and unique religion, holds a special place in the hearts of millions around the world. Its rich history and profound teachings offer a path of spirituality that is both simple to understand and deeply profound. In just a few lines, let’s explore the essence of Sikhism, its origins, and its enduring significance. In this blog, we will share 10 lines on Sikhism to help students and children learn more about the religion and perform essay writing exercises.

10 Lines on Sikhism Part 1

  1. Sikhism emphasizes the importance of living a simple life without material attachments.
  2. Its core beliefs revolve around the concept of one God, known as Waheguru, who is formless and all-pervading.
  3. Adherence to the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture, is central to its practice.
  4. The Ten Gurus, who were spiritual leaders, guided the early Sikh community.
  5. Recitation of prayers (Ardas) and chanting divine hymns (Kirtan) are standard practices.
  6. The Five Ks are the essential symbols of a Sikh: Kesh (uncut hair), Kara (bracelet), Kirpan (sword), Kachera (undergarment), and Kangha (comb).
  7. Sikhs believe in living a life filled with selfless service and social responsibility.
  8. The Sikh Gurdwara is a place of worship where people can partake in community service and spiritual guidance.
  9. Celebrating key festivals like Vaisakhi, Diwali, and Baisakhi adds joy to their lives.
  10. Sikhs are taught to live with humility and respect for all living beings, promoting harmony among people of different faiths and backgrounds.

10 Lines on Sikhism Part 2: Guru Nanak

  1. Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the Ten Gurus.
  2. His teachings focused on the concept of One Universal God, emphasizing universal brotherhood and equality for all humanity.
  3. He traveled extensively, spreading his message through poetry and hymns.
  4. His teachings led to the formation of the Khalsa in 1699, which is considered the birth of the modern Sikh community.
  5. Guru Nanak’s legacy lives on through his powerful verses and his principles for living a meaningful life.
  6. The annual commemoration of Guru Nanak’s birthday (Gurpurab) celebrates his teachings and contributions to humanity.
  7. His message inspires people worldwide, promoting peace and understanding among diverse faiths.
  8. Sikhs follow the Guru Granth Sahib as their eternal spiritual guide, which contains the teachings of all Gurus and various saints.
  9. The life and teachings of Guru Nanak showcase the importance of spiritual growth and service to society.
  10. His message is a source of guidance and inspiration for many people on their path toward spiritual enlightenment.

Part 3: Sikhism’s Contributions to Society

  1. Sikhs have been instrumental in promoting social justice and equality, especially in education, healthcare, and community service.
  2. Their philosophy encourages them to help those in need without discrimination based on caste, class, or religion.
  3. Many Sikh organizations actively work towards uplifting the underprivileged and fostering harmony among different communities.
  4. The Sikh spirit of selfless service has inspired numerous initiatives for global humanitarian causes.
  5. Overall, Sikhs have made a lasting impact on society through their compassionate approach to serving others.


In conclusion, Sikhism is a religion of love, equality, and devotion. Its teachings emphasize the importance of selfless service, honest living, and connecting with the divine within us. With its tenets of equality, justice, and compassion, Sikhism has left an indelible mark on the world. As we reflect on these ten lines, may we appreciate the wisdom and values that Sikhism imparts, and may they inspire us to lead lives of kindness, humility, and unity.

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