10 Lines on Peacock for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Write 10 lines on Peacock for classes 1-5. The peacock, a bird celebrated for its vivid plumage and regal bearing, symbolizes grace and beauty in various cultures. With its extravagant tail feathers, which fan out in a shimmering display of iridescent blues and greens, the peacock has fascinated people for centuries.

This majestic bird, often associated with deities in mythology and revered in many societies, embodies aesthetic charm and the themes of renewal and immortality. The peacock’s uniqueness lies not only in its appearance but also in its behaviors and habitat, making it a captivating subject of both scientific study and cultural reverence.

10 Lines on Peacock for Class 1

  1. A peacock is a big and beautiful bird.
  2. It has very long and colorful feathers.
  3. The peacock is famous for its bright feathers.
  4. Peacocks can spread their feathers like a fan.
  5. When they spread their feathers, they look so pretty.
  6. The peacock’s feathers have many colors like blue, green, and gold.
  7. Peacocks can make loud sounds.
  8. They love to walk around and show their feathers.
  9. Peacocks eat seeds, fruits, and small insects.
  10. They are lovely birds that many people like to watch.

10 Lines on Peacock for Class 2

  1. The peacock is known for its stunning tail feathers.
  2. These feathers are called a “train” and have eye-like designs.
  3. The male bird is called a peacock, and the female is a peahen.
  4. Peacocks use their beautiful tails to attract peahens.
  5. Their tail feathers can be over 5 feet long.
  6. When a peacock fans its tail, it’s a beautiful sight.
  7. Peacocks are also good at flying short distances.
  8. They make a loud calling sound, especially in the rain.
  9. Peacocks eat plants, insects, and small animals.
  10. They are national birds of India and are symbols of grace.

10 Lines on Peacock for Class 3

  1. Peacocks are one of the most colorful birds in the world.
  2. The male peacock’s tail feathers have eye-like spots and shimmer in the sun.
  3. These birds can fan out their tail feathers to display a spectacular range of colors.
  4. The female peahens are not as colorful as males but are elegant.
  5. Peacocks are famous for their loud call, which sounds like they are saying, “help me.”
  6. They are omnivores, eating both plants and small creatures.
  7. Peacocks are native to India and Sri Lanka in South Asia.
  8. They have been introduced to many other countries and adapt well.
  9. The peacock’s vibrant colors come from the reflection of light on their feathers.
  10. They are a symbol of beauty and are often found in myths and stories.

10 Lines on Peacock for Class 4

  1. Peacocks are renowned for their vivid and iridescent tail feathers.
  2. These birds belong to the pheasant family and are native to South Asia.
  3. The male peacock’s magnificent tail is used for courtship displays.
  4. The “eyes” on their feathers are known as ocelli, and they can have more than 100 ocelli on their tail.
  5. Peacocks fan their tails to attract females and to ward off predators.
  6. They can fly, despite their large size, but usually prefer to roost in trees.
  7. Their diet includes seeds, fruits, insects, and small reptiles.
  8. Peacocks have been a part of human culture and art for thousands of years.
  9. They are often associated with royalty, beauty, and pride.
  10. The peacock’s vibrant colors result from microscopic structures that reflect light.

10 Lines on Peacock for Class 5

  1. Peacocks, or peafowl, are known for their extravagant plumage and vibrant colors.
  2. These birds are members of the Phasianidae family, which includes pheasants.
  3. The male peafowl, known as a peacock, has a spectacular fan of elongated tail feathers.
  4. These feathers feature eye-like patterns that are used in mating displays.
  5. Female peafowl, or peahens, are less colorful and have shorter tails.
  6. Peacocks can fly, but they are more often seen walking or perched in trees.
  7. Their diet is varied, consisting of plant matter, insects, and small animals.
  8. The peacock’s call is loud and distinctive, often heard in the wild.
  9. In many cultures, peacocks symbolize beauty, wealth, and royalty.
  10. The iridescence in their feathers is due to a complex nanostructure that reflects light.


In conclusion, the peacock, with its striking beauty and rich symbolism, holds a special place in the natural world and human culture. Its vibrant feathers, which it uses in elaborate mating rituals, are not just a display of natural artistry but also a marvel of evolutionary adaptation.

The peacock serves as a powerful symbol in various traditions, representing qualities such as integrity, renewal, and nobility. Its presence in art, literature, and folklore across the globe underscores its enduring appeal and significance. As we continue to admire and study this splendid bird, the peacock remains a testament to the wonders of nature and the enduring fascination it holds for humanity.

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