Telangana Gurukulam Staff Nurse Syllabus 2019 Exam Pattern

TSPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus 2019 Exam Pattern is detailed below which has to be prepared by all the applicants of this exam. The candidates should be mentally prepared with different types of questions so that you don’t panic in exam hall and you are able to score the maximum.

TSPSC Staff Nurse Selection Procedure 2019

  1. Written Examination- 70% weightage
  2. Govt. Service (Experience)- 30% weightage

TSPSC Staff Nurse Exam Pattern 2019

Exam Type Objective
Total Papers 2
Total Questions 150 (Paper I- 50, Paper II- 100)
Total Marks 150 (Paper I- 50, Paper II- 100)
Total Time 150 min (Paper I- 50, Paper II- 100)
Subjects Included Paper I: General Abilities

Paper II: Nursing (GNM) Level

TSPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus 2019

General Abilities: The questions will be asked from general concepts and the surroundings-

  1. Ongoing events around you; current affairs; societal matters; surroundings; environment issues
  2. History, Geography, Political system, economy of India & Telengana; formation of Telangana state
  3. Natural Resources in India & Telengana
  4. Demographic trends on health, environment & society, agriculture, industry, trade, transportation
  5. Questions on Food adulteration, processing, distribution, storage
  6. Latest Technology; Science based queries
  7. Moral values; Logical Reasoning

Nursing (GNM) Level: The questions from core nursing field will be aksed in exam which will include-

  1. Administration & ward Management
  2. First Aid in case of all situations
  3. Anatomy & Physiology: Anatomical Terms, Organization of body cells, tissues, Appendicular Skeleton, Joints, tissues organs systems, Membranes & glands, Skeletal System, types of bones & their structures with functions, Axial Skeleton, Nervous System, Reproductive System, Endocrine and Sense organs, Muscular system, Cardio vascular system, Respiratory system, Digestive system, Excretory system
  4. Fundamentals of Nursing: Pharmacology, Drugs knowledge, Classification, dosage of drugs, Treating patients in different situations like patient with fever, unconscious patent, patent with fluid in balance, care of physically handicapped
  5. Psychology: Human behavior, motivation, behavioral process
  6. Community Health Nursing Process: Immunization, Environmental factors, Importance of the Community Health Nursing process, Community identification, care services, uses of water, waste, housing, noise, Purpose & principles of Home visiting, Early detection and management (minor ailments)
  7. Dietary requirements and constituents of food
  8. Nursing management of patient with Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Communicable diseases, Oncological Nursing Management in Chemo Therapy, Radiation and Radical Surgery, Emergency
  9. Microbiology: Destruction of Microorganisms, ways to control, Sterilization, Disinfection physical, Natural, Gases, Control spread of infection, Bio- safety and waste management, Principle & Method of Microbial control, preparation of lotions
  10. Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment: Health Assessment, Physical Exam, Clinical investigations, Post- operative complications, Nursing management of patient with all problems, emergency conditions
  11. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing: Definition, Etiology signs & symptoms, Medical & Surgical Management of Mental Disorders, Psychiatric Nursing Management
  12. Pediatric Nursing (Child Health): Management of toddlers’ diseases and their cures
  13. Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing: Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy related information, Disorders of Menstruation– Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, Genitourinary system of male and female reproductive system
  14. Professional trends and adjustments: Legislation in Nursing, Legal Hazards in Nursing, Health laws and regulations effective Nursing in India

Study well all the topics for exam and give your best performance in exam so that you can score the maximum in the exam paper. For all the updates on competitive exams, you can subscribe with us and you will get the study material easily.

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